ECO Friendly Development
Published on: January 27th, 2021 Author: Karolis
Eco friendly development in Bali has to go hand-in-hand with recycling efforts in a time of urbanisation and lack of capital. To keep the environment clean and the economy rising new technologies create prime neighbourhoods from discarded materials.

Eco Design Approach
In Eco friendly development in Bali our main goal is to mitigate the overall environmental effect through creative design strategies that encompasses the entire lifecycle, from raw material extraction to processing, distribution and usage, to recycling, “reparability” and safe disposal. Without neglecting the visual appeal and lasting design, our holistic approach strives to hold economic, social and natural benefits at the forefront of our design mission.
Our main architecture teams aim to bring the best possible results by collaborating with local craftsmen. To maximize the comfort and luxury of the experience, all our tents are fitted with custom built elements.
Each unit comes with a custom wooden deck of its own, surrounded by tropical greenery, offering privacy and comfort of nature. To maximize the available view and to experience tropical nature we carefully construct private pools in the tents. Our team has sourced the best glamping tent products to match anyone’s requirements and the best quality is our guarantee.
Eco-Luxury Villas
With an open and contemporary architecture, we promote investment in eco-friendly luxury villas. Our partnership with renowned architects enables you to own an eco-friendly and modern villa with a chic architecture. We offer a great variety of styles and features that are simply amazing to have in a villa in the jungle such as infinity pools, gorgeous wooden patios and much more.
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Want to build a villa together? Let’s talk.
We’re always open for new ideas and opportunities. Do not hesitate to contact us. See you in Bali soon..