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How To Rent Out Your Bali Villa

Published on: January 27th, 2021 Author: Karolis

More than 1000 new villas have been constructed in Bali in the past 5 years. How to rent out your Bali villa when there is so much competition? Bali villa rental market is hot and is getting more competitive each year. To compete you have to stand out from the crowd in some kind of way. Most Bali tourist, who are also fortunately coming to Bali in ever increasing numbers, are looking for minimalistic eco-friendly or unique villas. These kind of villas are usually always in demand and getting the best ROI for their owners. Not all villas on the rental market have characteristics, but there are ways you can increase your chances to stand out. Most single villa owner use or AirBNB to rent their properties. Registering with the is a straight forward process, but to get most of your rental you need some steps to follow.

rent out your Bali Villa

1. Clean It!

You have to clean your villa before you rent out your Bali villa. Getting best reviews is one of the most important things for a rental villa. Most popular bad reviews are regarding villas cleanness, tidiness and wear. You should cover these aspects from the start so the bad review won’t pill up.


It is crucial to always make sure you villa is 100% clean and refreshed after every customer. Most of bad reviews come from villas being not fully cleaned. Also you must make sure there are no bad smells or trash hidden.

Just be pretty!

Many people overrate their villas and misjudge any additional improvement they can implement. It is advisable to ask friends or family to point out some ideas and improvement that they think would help from there perspective. Sometime simple and inexpensive things and decoration can make a huge difference. You just have to use your imagination and make those “instagramable” looks to rent out your Bali villa faster.

Paint job?

Bali with its warm and humid weather is not the best climate for any paint job. Every 2-3 years you must refresh the paint or it will look dated and unclean. Put some new paint, it can make a big difference. And perhaps you will also enjoy doing it yourself!

How is your floor looking?

Dirty and stained flours will get you nowhere. Depending on what flour you have, keeping them clean is essential. Consider re-polish your flouring once a year for a new look.

Got any leaks?

Her in the tropical climate roof is very important, particularly regarding leaks. Any leaks soon become stains. Always try to prevent any leaks and clean leaks as soon as possible to prevent any staining on the walls.

Tropical gardens

Jungle and tropical surroundings can increase your chances to rent out your Bali villa. Most tourist come to Bali for its tropical feel and look. Greenery is very important and it is not expensive. With less then 1000$ you can create a jungle paradise around your villa and that is what your renters are looking for.

2. Make Hero Photos

Even if your villa is clean and refreshed you can still misrepresent it all by taking bad photos. Many people overestimate their photography skills so it is important to give his task to a professional. This investment could be the best investment you make.

It absolutely critical to present professional photos of your villa that show the best features of you property.

Here is a example how different can two same photos look with different photography kills: Hero Photo Comparison

What is even more important in standing out  is a “hero photo”. A hero photo is your main image, your cover image. This image should show the best feature or angle of you villa. This will be the image that will stop people from scrolling past you villa listing on the rental booking sites. This picture should intrigue people to want to know more. That hero shots should include the most beautiful features of you villa, like pool, view or design.

One more important thing to have in mind is social networks. Most tourist are always in search for photo opportunities and you a villa owner have to provide them these in order to convince them to stay at your villa. Along with your hero photos you must show what photo opportunities does your villa can offer. Perhaps a Bali style outside bath among lush greenery? Or a projector with a movie showing by the pool? Use your imagination and create these unique environments for your customers to remember and post online with you villa name on it.

3. Add More Features

Did you know that by having Jacuzzi or an any hot tub could increase your revenue by 44%? That is huge. By adding more features to you villa can increase you revenue dramatically. Here is a infographics that show what features can get you more customers statistically. You also can rent out your Bali villa for a higher price.

increase villa bookings

4. Adjust You Pricing

Property rental price should be carefully considered and tested. You can not price it to low or too high. Best way to figure out your villa price range is to check similar villa renting in the areas and their occupancy. Keep in mind that most rental booking platforms like, Agoda and other can offer you an automatic dynamic pricing depending of various factors like season, demand and even weather. They calculate the best and most profitable pricing ranges to get you the most profit out of your property.

5. Complete Listings

Most villas in Bali are rented through either AirBNB or Having complete, accurate and detailed listing on either of these platforms is a must. Along with your professional photos, outstanding features, cleanness and great reviews you will maximize you profit potential of your property.

Implementing all these changes above will increase your chances to rent out your Bali villa dramatically.


Want to build a villa together? Let’s talk.

We’re always open for new ideas and opportunities. Do not hesitate to contact us. See you in Bali soon..

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